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planning resources

:: packEU offers a wide variety of tools and resources to help you effectively plan your European Vacation. Planning ahead can save you alot of time, money, and headaches. Enjoy ::

Helpful European Travel Tips

Helpful European Travel Tips ::
packEU has written and compiled some very helpful travel tips to help you with your European Vacation. We cover a wide range of subjects like, Health and Safety, Airport Security, Recognizing Cultural Differences, Before You Go, What to Pack, Budgeting for Europe, Using the Phone Internationally and more...|read more|

European Holidays

European Holidays ::
Planning your trip around a European Public Holiday has both positives and negatives. The positive side of the situation is that you will definately be able to experience more of the culture of the country you are visitng. Most holidays are distinct to that speciific European country. Many times, festivals and other events surround certain holidays. These are great ways to spend any vacation... |read more|

Currency Converter

Currency Converter ::
It is key that you know what the current exchange rates are before planning a trip. Currency differences can make your trip more or less expensive. Make sure you know what you are paying for hotels and other expenses, so that you can accurately prepare a travel budget... |open|

European Travel Maps

European Travel Maps ::
Getting a travel map for your destination is very helpful. Finding your way in a foreign country can be frustrating at tmes. Alleviate some stress and get a travel map that will show you the in's and out's of your Euroepean destination. Maps will indicate where to get public transportation, some entertainment and shopping districts, points of interest, and much more... |read more|

European Guidebooks

European Guidebooks ::
Guidebooks can be an incredible help when traveling to any country in Europe . They give helpful information on accommodations, transportation options, sightseeing and things to do, and even have maps to help you get around. Not every guidebook is the same though and you need to make sure you choose the right one for your type of trip. Here are some helpful things to remember when choosing your European guidebook... |read more|

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